Sunday, December 16, 2007

LOA-FLA to change the association motto..

The Latino Officers Association Florida is changing the Association motto from Actions Speak Louder Than Words to

" In God We Trust".

The new motto will go into effect January 01, 2008. replacing the former motto which was created in 2002, when the association was established. LOA-FLA President Alexander Martinez states "this new motto tells people who we are and what we believe".
"In God We Trust", is also the United States of America and State of Florida motto.
Latino Officers Association Florida "In God We Trust".

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About Me

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Miami Lakes, Florida, United States
" In God We Trust" Latino Police Network Radio, is a part of the Latino Officers Association Florida. The L.O.A Florida was charted by a group of officers from Miami-Dade, County. The LOA-FLA is registered in Florida as (not for profit) 501 c4. The corporation was filed on August 19, 2002 in the state of Florida under document number N02000006250. Our mission and vision is and always shall be to promote the Hispanic community, increase the representation of Latinos at the Federal, State, County and Local of the criminal justice system. We also work hard towards enhancing the image and professionalism of law enforcement in general, and Hispanics in particular. Latino POLICE Radio, was created from the blogtalkradio network in 2007 under the approval of the LOA-FLA BOD.
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